Taking a little break from translations and history I thought today I would share my thoughts on some of the major books that have been written on Goju-Ryu Karate. For this list I considered books of historical importance, as well as books that made really good technical manuals. I only included books by Okinawan/Japanese authors. The list is not presented in any particular order.
The original Japanese edition |
It should be no surprise the first book on the list would be by a direct senior student of the founder. This book also represented the first of it's kind written by a student of Chojun Miyagi. Here you will find much of the Goju-Ryu curriculum including: junbi undo, hojo undo, kihon, all the kata and basic applications for the forms. According to Miyazato himself (from the Okinawa Karate Kobudo Jitten) the book was written at a time when the sports karate was beginning to take more of a hold and it represented an attempt to create a clear guide on the traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu. It's also worth mentioning the book was translated to English by the members of the Jundokan honbu. The pictures however were all replaced by new photos taken at the time of the publication. It's a bit unfortunate, as the original photos certainly had great historical value. The Japanese version is of course long out of print and an extremely rare item.
2008 Reprint Edition |
The Goju Kensha Kyohan was written by Tadahiko Ohtsuka, a notable teacher of Goju-Ryu on mainland Japan. Ohtsuka was a senior student of Sosui Ichikawa, who was himself a senior student of Kanki Izumikawa. The book was originally published in 1977 as a set of 13 individual booklets. It was reprinted again in 2008 as a single large book. To date, it might be the most comprehensive and detailed book ever written on Goju-Ryu Karate. The book contains essentially everything, from the stretches, warmups, detailed explanations of all kihon waza, applications of the kihon, all the kata, kata applications and a detailed section on vital points and vital point striking. Also included are descriptions on numerous more advanced teachings in Goju-Ryu. The book was intended to act as a teaching manual for the senior instructors, which is one reason it contains more advanced materials. Sadly the book was never translated to English in it's entirety and even the reprint is hard to come by now.
Vol 1 |
The second book |
Rather than writing about the books separately I will include them both together. These represent another publication by a direct senior student of Chojun Miyagi and as such are highly valuable. The first one includes history, kihon and a detailed overview of Gekisai Dai Ichi and Sanchin. Both kata are performed by Toguchi himself. Included as well are some of the kumite and bunkai sets Toguchi devised himself. The second book includes much more history and personal stories about Chojun Miyagi, Seiko Higa and other individuals which are highly interesting. Technically, it continues from where the first book left off with Gekiha kata (created by Toguchi) and Saifa kata. Both books are full of very valuable information, but like the others mentioned above they are also out of print.
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Karate Do Kyohan I & II |
Unlike the two previous books by Toguchi, these are far less known. In fact, I don't know if these were ever a public release. Rather I think they were largely disturbed among Shoreikan members. They continue to be extremely rare. These books do contain all of the Goju-Ryu kata, as well as the kata created by Seikichi Toguchi such as Gekiha and Kakuha. Included are also demonstrations of the Kiso Kumite sets and Bunkai Kumite for select kata. The 10 main Goju-Ryu kata are all demonstrated step by step by Toguchi himself. As such it presents an invaluable record of kata by a direct student of the founder. The rest of the kata and techniques in the book are demonstrated by his senior students at the Shoreikan
Kei Miyagi was not only the oldest son of Chojun Miyagi, but also one of his senior students. Overall he wrote three books on Goju-Ryu Karate, with this one being the last. It's interesting that a lot of people don't know that he opened a dojo and taught Goju-Ryu, which is now run by his son Toru (Chojun Miyagi's grandson). The book covers much of the fundamental areas of the style. You'll find the junbi undo, hojo undo, kihon and the kata Gekisai 1-2, Sanchin, Tensho, Saifa and Seiunchin. Included are also some kumite drills from Goju-Ryu. This book (and his other two) represent a very valuable addition to any Goju-Ryu library.
Karate Do no Shinzui |
Whether you love him or hate him, there is no denying Yamaguchi was hugely influential in popularising Goju-Ryu karate around the world. For much of the 60s, 70s and even into the 80s he was perhaps the most well known teacher of Goju-Ryu. This book is certainly an interesting one, and packed full of photographs. It contains an autobiography of Yamaguchi, demonstrations of various techniques, certain kata, and select applications for each of the kata. The book has been translated into English, but both versions are very rare. This was one of the very first books to be written on Goju-Ryu.
The History of Karate |
This represents the most detailed book on Goju Ryu history written by any Okinawan or Japanese master. It is full of information on the history of Goju-Ryu as well as numerous direct students of Chojun Miyagi. Included are also interviews the author has conducted with different students of the founder. While the book has been highly successful and sought after, it hasn't been without controversy. The history is undoubtedly slanted to instructors that were relevant to the IOGKF and as such certain people received very little attention. For example Seikichi Toguchi seemed to receive no mention at all and Meitoku Yagi was spoken about very little. Additionally the book had disparaging remarks about several notable individuals including Chojun Miyagi's son and Seiko Higa. Despite some shortcomings it is still a rich source of information, but it is important to read it critically.
10.) Koden Goju-Ryu Kenpo vol 1,2,3 - Yoshio Kuba
The first vol |
The final set of books on this list comes from Yoshio Kuba. Kuba is currently one of the most senior and renowned students of Seikichi Toguchi. He is well known for his mastery of the kata applications and showing advanced teachings openly. Across the three volumes you will find all the kata (including the Toguchi created ones), junbi undo, kihon, and of course the applications he is so known for. As a bonus the books also come with a DVD showing the contents of the book. Currently this is another hard to come by set, but very informative and valuable.